So, today in art...Me: Let me go. I have other classes I have to teach. Students: No!!!!! You can't go. We are gonna keep you for every and every and every and every. (Mind you I have one kid on one leg, two kids on the other leg, 3 kids hugging my waist, and a kid on each arm. Do you know how hard it is to keep my balance. I'm about to fall and crush some kids. I love my job!!!)
So, today in art...Me: Keep your hands to yourself. You know what...keep every thing to yourself. Keep your whole body to yourself.
So, today in art...Student: I need some tissue. Me: Let me see...I don't see anything. Student: Its there, you just can't see it cause it's so far up my nose. Me: Well, when it makes the journey down...come see me.
So, today in art...Me: That is an r. Student: Sometimes I write my n's like r's. Me: That would make it an r.
So, today in art...Me: My 4th graders painting and singing. I love my job!!! They are painting their lighthouses. They had to research a NC Lighthouses and write a short short essay about the lighthouse they chose.
So, today in art...Me: So...I don't know what is going on in Orso's class. We go from one extreme to the other!!!
So, today in art...Student: How many hands do we need? Me: A lot!!!! Student: A lot, a lot. Me: No...a lot, a lot, a lot. Like a billion.
So, today in art...Me: The 1st graders also made Menorahs.
So, today in art...Me: Do you know how hard it is to do this with 1st graders?!?!?!? But we did it and got it done. We made our Star of David with pyramids.
So, today in art...Student: You have glitter on your face. Me: I teach art. Welcome to my life.
So, today in art...Sub (retired teacher): Boys and girls, do you remember your art teacher from last year? Students: Yes. Sub: I do to and you'll did not do work like this. You guys are very lucky to have Mr. Smith. Students: We know. And he is cool too.
So, today in art...Sub (retired teacher): You are one of the best art teachers I have ever seen. And that is saying a lot because I am old.
So, today in art...Student: Can I have a hug? Me: Yes. Have you been good? Student 1: Yes. Me: Good job. Student 2: Can I have a hug? Me: Yes. Have you been good? Student 2: Ummmm...nope. Mrs. Orso: Well, at least he is honest.
So, today in art...Student 1: Mr. Smith...Its the Sun!! I'm playing with the Sun!!!! Student 2: Is that really the Sun? Me: Yes. Student 2: How did you get it in here? Me: How many time do I have to tell you people..........I'm magic! Student 2: Oh yeah.
So, today in art...Student: Ummm....Mr. Smith? My leg is stuck. Me: Wait, what? How? Let me get my camera.
So, today in art...Me: The students studied Leonardo da Vinci and reinterpreted the Mona Lisa.
So, today in art...Me: The students studied Edvard Munch and reinterpreted The Scream.
So, today in art....Parent: Are you Mr. Smith? Me: Yes ma'am I am. Parent: I would just like to thank you for all you do, the great lessons and helping my child to love art. She has just come out of her shell this year and its because of you. Me: Thank you. I really appreciate that. (I wonder if she noticed I was about to cry).
So, today in art...Student: So...whatcha doing? Me: Minding my business. What are you doing? Student: Ummmmmhhh.....nothing.